It's the SEASON 1 Burpcast finale, we're joined by friends and enablers of the show, Jimbob Ghostkeeper and Meatball. It's the end of an era at the Pupatella Garage / Ballston Animals Hospital Recording Studios, and our Three Stars of the week throws it all the way back as we reminisce about our top three things that we miss about childhood. Nedbot shares how Brother Mark taught him how to flirt via AIM, and we go all the way in on the Wifi vs. Air Conditioning debate. Speaking of Jimbob Ghostkeeper, our What Did You Do On the Internet This Week is a big one: it's the 2019 Name Of The Year Tournament, so grab your brackets and make your Salami Blessings as we do a deep dive to determine this year's alias authority. Finally, we close out the season with some #memz of our OG recording space, and all of the times we had here. Thanks to everyone for tuning in for season 1 -- we'll be back with a new season and a new recording space in the weeks to come!